Frequently Asked Questions
I donated an item. Now what? We process over 2300 items. They will be put up on the auction block and auctioned off. There are no guarantees that it will be auctioned off for the price it is valued as.
I need to get a hold of someone at the Auction. Can I? Yes, dial 603-527-0999 and ask for that person. We may or may not be able to reach that person.
Do several organizations help the same family? No, they all work together, so you can know that by donating items to our auction, and by bidding from the heart, you will be helping an enormous amount of children and families.
I am disappointed that my item never came up on the Auction block. Remember we are all volunteers, and things may occasionally fall through the cracks, although it is rare. It is our best effort to auction off every item we receive. That is why we always ask for items to be donated early on. That way we have a better understanding of what we have. We are sorry you had a disappointing experience as an item donor, and we hope you try us again. Donating early in the season guarantees we are our most organized selves.
Will my item be returned if it doesn't sell? Unfortunately, we will not be able to return any item that is donated.
I want to come see the auction. Can I? Absolutely!
How do you determine which organizations to help? That’s the hardest part. We’d love to help everyone. But as our total grows, so does the need. What we do is ask for the organizations to provide us with the necessary information on what they do and who they serve, and how big the need is for that organization. We make our best effort to determine which organization can assist the children the most.
Any item I donate is tax deductible? Yes. We have forms that you are welcome to fill out and declare it on your income tax.
If my item was donated and not auctioned off, where does it go? No worries, we have so many connections to organizations that could use every item donated. So rest assured, the item will end up in a hand that truly will love it.
Any other questions? Please feel free to call us at 603-527-0999.