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For more than forty years, generous New Hampshire individuals, families, businesses and volunteers have supported the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction. You can also see all of our financial information on Candid or Charity Navigator. This rating designates the The Greater Lakes Region Charitable Fund for Children an official “Give with Confidence” charity, indicating it’s using its donations effectively based on Charity Navigator’s criteria.

The following documents are in PDF format, and you can download them by clicking on the link below. 

Financial Statements (FYE 7.1.22-6.30.23)

Financial Statements (FYE 7.1.21-6.30.22)

Financial Statements (FYE 7.1.20-6.30.21)

Financial Statements (FYE 1.1.20-6.30.20)

Financial Statements (FYE 1.1.19-12.31.19)

Financial Statements (FYE 1.1.18-12.31.18)

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