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Robbie Mills 8 Ball Tournament March 4 to benefit Children's Auction and Boys & Girls Club

The 15th annual Robbie Mills Memorial 8 Ball Tournament, a fundraising event held at Laconia Rod & Gun Club, 358 South Main St., on Saturday, March 4, will benefit the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction and Lakes Region Boys & Girls Club. The money raised provides direct service to children throughout the year. This community event along with many others are supported by hundreds of people who believe in helping children.

• $30 PP donation includes: practice, lunch and entry for door prizes

• Pre-pay by Feb. 18, and receive a free T-Shirt

• Doors open at 9:30 a.m. (Pay $35 after 10:30 a.m.)

• Tournament starts promptly at 11 a.m.

• Double elimination — BCA rules apply

In 2007, tournament was born to benefit the Lakes Region Boys & Girls Club. That first year, the tournament had 24 players and raised $1,200. In 2014 Mike Baron of Baron's Billiards and the Café Déjà vu Pub Mania Team joined forces to continue to grow the tournament. Last year the tournament had 65 players and raised $8,998. In total the tournament has raised around $77,000. Now heading into its 15th year, there are hopes to top last year’s effort and bring the total to over $85,000.

The tournament is seeking help in supporting the youth of the Lakes Region and are looking for sponsors, food for lunch, and items for raffles and auction. Any donation will make a difference.

For more information about the tournament, sponsorships, to register to play or to donate with a credit card or PayPal, go online to:

For more information Contact Tony Felch

Call 998-1418 or email

To learn more about the recipient organizations visit Lakes Region Boys & Girls Club and Children’s Auction. Click here for the full article in the Laconia Daily Sun


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