Last week, Gov. Chris Sununu announced the creation of a $60 million New Hampshire Nonprofit Emergency Relief and Recovery Fund for New Hampshire nonprofit organizations. The funds are part of the $1.25 billion New Hampshire Coronavirus Relief Fund that was established through the CARES Act. The $60 million fund, all of which will be disbursed during this calendar year, will support a grants program to be administered by a partnership of the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, and the Community Development Finance Authority. The Foundation is honored to work with their partner organizations and the state to make sure that these funds are distributed efficiently and equitably to nonprofits doing critical work to support New Hampshire communities. Grants will be made through an application process to be developed by the three partners and announced through a call for applications. Details on the application process will be available by June 5. More information about the
Nonprofit Emergency Relief and Recovery Fund and other funding opportunities available to nonprofits is available on the website of the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery.
The administration of this fund is just one component of the Foundation’s work to support New Hampshire communities during this crisis — and as we recover. Since this crisis began to unfold in mid-March, the Foundation has granted more than $6.8 million to New Hampshire nonprofits, and generous people have contributed nearly $3.7 million to the Foundation’s Community Crisis Action Fund. We have seen increased grantmaking from donor-advised funds, and have adjusted our grant application and reporting requirements to allow maximum flexibility to grantees.
And we continue to move resources to nonprofits through our regular grant-making programs. Our Express Grants program is open on a rolling series of deadlines, and dedicated this year to COVID-19 response. The next deadline for that program is May 29. Deadline for applications to the Local Grants program of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund is July 16; to the Wellborn Ecology Fund is July 27. For more information on other grant programs, visit our website.